Täna saabus Euroopa kolleegidelt järgnev, mesinikke murelikuks tegev teade:
Here is a Google translation of an Italian report:Identified an outbreak of small hive beetle in the province of Reggio Calabria. It is a beetle of the family of Nititulidi that had invaded North America in the late 90s, causing enormous damage to beekeeping, with infestation levels (several hundred larvae and adults) ever found in Africa, its area of origin.The prof. Vincent Palmeri, University of Reggio Calabria, author of the discovery and identification of the exotic pest, warned the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry to be activated so that the necessary procedures to limit and eradicate any further other outbreaks and prevent the spread of the pest throughout the country.Given the severity of the event, it is appropriate that all beekeepers in the area concerned should carry out a careful and systematic observation of their hives.In order to identify any symptoms of the presence of the parasite, attaching documentation containing some identification keys, already prepared in 2005, when it seemed imminent arrival because of a discovery in Portugal.It should be noted that, in addition to the inevitable and mandatory reporting of suspicious forward by the local veterinary authority, the service is active SPY network BeeNet for any doubt, inspection or investigation in the matter.
Umbkaudne Väikse tarumardika leviala 2010. aastal nägi välja selline, ehkki oli juba teateid ka Kanadast:
Eesti keeles saab lugeda tarumardika kohta siit. (Tänase seisuga on teda leitud nüüd ka Euroopast.)
Eesti mesinikel paanikasse ei maksaks sattuda, aga parem oleks siiski kursis olla. USAs levis tegelane alates 1996ndast 18 aastaga 15 kõrvutiasetsevasse osariiki. Kanadas, USA piiri ääres asetsevas Manitoba provintsis leiti mardikas aastal 2002, kuid arvatakse, et aastatel 2008 (Quebec) ja 2010 (Ontario) suudeti levikule - tarvilikke meetmeid rakendades - piir panna.
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